
انفجار سيارة مفخخة في ادلب بسوريا وسقوط العشرات بين قتيل وجريح


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With an economy that is poised to cope up with a growing population, the government of India looks forward to programs which will provide financial assistance to a large percentage of the nation living within and below poverty line. Although the existence of loan agencies is in place to help the people, there is a need to set up a structure that will primarily look into the common interest of the common individual. The government's drive to instil the importance of saving money is being given due attention. With this, the Post Office Savings Bank will play a central role during the availment of the monetary resources for livelihood investments.
The Indian government is promoting the National Savings Scheme as a solution to the need of all citizens for development financing. Among the participating agencies involved in the program are the Standardised Agency System, the School Saving Bank, the Payroll Saving Group, the Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana and the Public Provident Fund Agency Scheme. The National Savings Organization is launching this initiative along the rural and small urban areas where finances are very limited. Eligible for the program are resident Indians only. Since this is primarily a beneficial assistance for the public, private organizations are disqualified to participate. Transactions can only be done in Post Office bank outlets.
The government has furnished a conditional list of prospective clients who are qualified to avail the financial account program. Any single adult, a pensioner, an individual associated with any government institution and an officer of a government corporation are all qualified to open an account. The group sector allows a cooperative company and groups which are tied up to a gratuity, superannuation and provident funds to participate. Online savings accounts are also included after initial transactions with any Post Office branches. The accounts can either be in cash or in cheques. Maintaining balance prior to withdrawals must be 50 rupees for simple finances and 500 rupees for checking facility credits.
Interests are added at the end of the year. The value imposed is 3.5 percent. Post Office bank branches issue pass books for all depositors in order for clients to track down their financial transactions. In cases where accounts remain untouched for three years, a charge or a fee amounting to 20 rupees will be imposed annually until such time that monetary movement is made. Finances which have reached zero due to penalty deductions are treated as closed savings. The branch postmaster will be the official executioner of closed credits with prior approval from the head postmaster. For time deposits, an account must contain a minimum of 200 rupees. Maturity periods range from one to five years. An interest of 6.25 to 7.50 percent is added depending on the number of years an account is held by the bank.

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